Your gift to the Educational Equity Fund helps to ensure that all Shaker students have what they need to learn, grow and thrive – whether that’s new technology and equipment, leadership training and mentoring, or additional resources to build skills and confidence for every student.

Examples of what equity in action looks like at every grade level include: 


  • Mirrors and Windows K-4 Literacy Program – SSF purchased more than 900 classroom books that allow students to see themselves in literature and learn more about others’ cultures


  • Kids Cook at Home – SSF partners with EDWINS Leadership Academy for students and their families to learn cooking skills as they prepare delicious, healthy meals at home 


 Woodbury and Middle School 

  • Minority Achievement Committee (MAC) Scholars Summer Enrichment – SSF supports a 6-week enrichment program for rising 5th grade MAC Scholars and MAC Sister Scholars to build math, science, language, and literature skills and to participate in leadership and fun physical activities 


  • Girls Who Code and Girls in STEM – SSF supports two Middle School clubs offering opportunities for girls to explore STEM and coding and to see themselves in those fields.  


High School

  • Mentoring and Leadership – SSF supports expanded SGORR (Student Group on Race Relations) and MAC Scholars (Minority Achievement) programming, to reach more students 


  • Entrepreneur and Internship Opportunities– SSF helps to identify internships, shadowing, and entrepreneur support to give our students real-world experiences 


 Community and Alumni  Partnerships

  • The Shaker Schools Foundation created the Greater Cleveland Educational Equity Roundtable in partnership with the District’s DEI Division. DEI educational professionals, practitioners, and community stakeholders convene quarterly to discuss issues connected to educational equity in our community.


  • Student Group on Race Relations (SGORR) Alumni mentoring program – Pairs current students with SGORR alumni to learn from their experiences and to expand their leadership skills.

Gifts to our Advancing Shaker Annual Appeal are unrestricted, which means they can be directed to the buildings, grades, or classrooms within the District with the greatest need at any given time. Whether you give a one-time gift or establish a monthly gift, your support of the Mission in Motion appeal will enhance student engagement, foster collaboration, and ensure opportunity for our students.